Jeong Hwan Lee
Building 19
Academic Positions
- Ascending SNU Future Leader Fellow, Seoul National University (2024.04 - )
- Postdoctoral Researcher, Kyungpook National University (2022.10 - 2024.03)
- Ph.D. in Astronomy, Seoul National University (2022.08)
- B.S. in Astronomy, Seoul National University (2015.08)
Research Interests
- High-redshift Galaxy Morphology in the JWST Fields / 제임스웹우주망원경 자료를 이용한 고적색이동 은하의 형태학적 분석
- Stellar Mass Estimation of Nearby Galaxies for SPHEREx / SPHEREx 모사 자료를 통한 가까운 은하의 별 질량 추정
- Observations of Galaxies Undergoing Environmental Effects / 환경 효과를 겪는 은하들에 대한 관측 연구